Britain’s 100 Biggest Brands
Trusted brands and value for money became more important than ever before according to the annual Britain’s 100 Biggest Brands report compiled by The Nielsen Company and published in trade magazine, The Grocer, the report ranks the 100 best selling grocery brands in Great Britain.
The 2009 sales value of the top 100 brands accounted for £16.7 billion (12.9%) of the total £130 billion grocery market, an increase of 4.5% Year on Year. The growth was ahead of total market growths which were 3.8% for the year.
Topping the table again this year is Coca Cola, which has become the first-ever grocery brand to pass the £1 billion mark in the U.K. The iconic brand was launched 110 years ago and continues to perform strongly growing 4.9% in 2009 to retain the top spot.
Other classic brands that have stood the test of time and feature in the top 10 of the league include bread brands Warburton’s (#2) and Hovis (#3). Warburton’s is 134 years old and the Bolton-based brand remains strong at number two. Hovis, whose branding hangs heavily on its heritage, enjoyed a very successful year with sales growing more than 13%, sits in fourth place. Cadbury’s Dairy Milk, another brand which has survived for more than a century, ranks fifth and Britvic’s Robinsons drink — which has a history that can be traced back to 1823 — retained its 10th place position.
The oldest surviving brand in the top 100 league is Twinings, which entered the Top 100 for the first time this year, 304 years after Thomas Twining began selling tea from his first premises on the Strand in London. Three centuries later, the brand grew sales 11% and was one of the five new entries to the top 100.
Britain’s Top 25 Brands | |
Rank |
Brand |
1 |
Coke |
2 |
Warburtons |
3 |
Walkers Crisps |
4 |
Hovis |
5 |
Cadbury Dairy Milk |
6 |
Nescafe |
7 |
Kingsmill |
8 |
Andrex |
9 |
Lucozade |
10 |
Robinsons |
11 |
Pepsi |
12 |
McCains Chips & Potatoes |
13 |
Tropicana |
14 |
Whiskas Total |
15 |
Muller Corner |
16 |
Heinz Beanz |
17 |
Lurpak |
18 |
Danone Activia |
19 |
Persil |
20 |
Heinz Soup |
21 |
Youngs Frozen Fish (Branded) |
22 |
Pedigree Total |
23 |
Flora |
24 |
Felix Total |
25 |
Cathedral City |
Source: The Nielsen Company
The complete list of 100 brands is available at The Grocer.