Since we live in an urban age more than half our World population have lived in cities which increases the need to get City Planning right.This year the World Health Organisation World Health Day 7 of April focus on urbanisation and health.
It is the right message.We must live in our Cities and not be governed by local authorities intent on telling citizens on what to participate in.Cities needs need to be lived in and be healthy.
Worldwide, virtually all population growth over the next 30 years will be in urban areas, with the most explosive growth taking place in Asia and Africa. By mid-century, seven out of every ten people will live in a city. Wales will also see urban growth with young people migrating to Cities.
Director General of the World Health Organisation says:
"Municipal authorities know what this means in terms of attracting tourists and new businesses and winning the next election. City dwellers know what this means in terms of social cohesion, safety, security, and the quality of life.
Poor health, including mental health, is one of the most visible and measurable expressions of urban harm. Health inequities can also be a rallying point for public demands for change that compel political leaders to take action.
When municipal authorities think about the future of the cities they govern, they need to think about health, and plan for health."
Some Cities take very little about promoting health for their citizens. Some promote locations spectators or tourist attractions instead of activities for the people. A policy shift is needed.
We used our lovely Park in Cardiff for the 2010 Walk For Life in March.Over 70 events took place across Wales.In September 2010 we will be working as a City for our annual Cardiff 10K and 2k which is for the people of Cardiff to enjoy.