After the announcement of the inquiry into Iraq by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday in the House of Commons I wondered how Mr Alastair Campbell would react. Like many I read his book and thought it a clever view of history but not what I expected or believed happened in Office. Remember he is a fine communicator and strategist .Well Mr Campbell did bravely refer to the new inquiry in his blog
The reference was in passing as Mr Campbell mainly referred to matters concerning mental health which is a serious subject upon which we who have family affected are keen to discuss.
Mr Campbell wrote:
"What with the extraordinary events unfolding in Iran, and the announcement of the inquiry into the war in Iraq, there was no room on the main news last night for the case of Christine Laird, who was accused of lying about her history of depression when she applied for a job with Cheltenham Borough Council."
But Mr Campbell everyone wanted to say - issues of trust in government do not come any bigger than making a decision to go to War as it creates mental as well as physical torture for those affected directly and indirectly.
This is what those commented on his blog said on the subject of Iraq (I have omitted full comments-see blog and those on mental health as this is not the subject of this note):
kardinal birkutzki
2009-06-16 09:33:08
If you had any judgement at all, you would refrain from even broaching the subject of the Iraq enquiry. If there were any justice or openess in the way this benighted country is run, you would be locked up for life for what you did, and you know that perfectly well.
2009-06-16 12:57:59
One day the truth will out and those with blood on their hands will be held accountable.
All of them. Including the propagandists and spinners.
2009-06-16 19:25:14 The Blues
Iraq war? Complete Madness. I wonder what the state of the Iraqi population mental health is after being bombed to Smithereens. Perhaps you can investigate and report back. All ears.
We await the inquiry report announced by the Prime Minister with sadness.